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How our Non-Medical Helper services can help you this year

Are you about to start your first year at university or a returning student? Are you anxious about the changes to your teaching? Does remote learning make you feel overwhelmed? Have you considered deferring your course as you’re unsure that you will cope?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, we are here to help. Whether you have Assistive Technology Training, Specialist Learning Support or Mentoring recommended as part of your Disabled Students Allowances (DSA), we can help you with strategies and solutions to some of the issues that you are experiencing.  Many students we have spoken to lately have deferred not realising that they could have taken up this support and get help with their studies and their university journey.


Our Non-Medical Helper services are tailored to each individual and we will provide you with right skills and approaches to help you tackle things like:

  1. Note taking
  2. Revision
  3. Essay planning
  4. Presentations
  5. Report writing
  6. Anxiety
  7. Confidence/self-esteem

This next academic year may feel very different to your previous modes of study, we are here for you to access the support that you need to achieve your full academic potential. We have a team of trainers, tutors and mentors with ample experience and expertise to help your grades excel and assist you in these unprecedented times.


If you want to speak to us to discuss a personalised learning journey please get in touch, even if you don’t want to take up the support now we can discuss when the support would be useful to you.


Author, Lilly Tsekouras – Head of Specialist Learning Support Services


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